mardi 8 décembre 2009


What's it
Why we need
Which impression

mercredi 18 novembre 2009

hand animation

Become Green references

I start my research from this video because i would to find the best way to do an animation with hands.
Why hand :because with the action of our hand, we can use them to do good think, like recycle, grow vegetable...Green Finger

jeudi 5 novembre 2009

Narative Collage

The action of" compose and decompose "allow me to translate my vision. The utilisation of the sticky tape is very interesting material because the transparency translate the emptyness of our mind. There is also an other aspect who make me use this material, the ramdom precessus such aspart of a faces, eyes, object or action. The accumulation of image translate how our mind is fully confused.
I based my artistical references onthe new realisme. I reverse the principe of the collage by pell off newpaper. They make appear a new reality and reflet some detail. It's trough the sticky tape i could experimente and translate the memory mark of the actuality. It's a" Narrative Collage."

Collage America

Image work shop
experimention with tape
I toke my inspiration from the artist Mimmo Rotella.

Made in Brazil



Dran is a French artist. He inspire me for many of this illustration. He expose in Gallery Nosco. He as a very dark humour and draw very clever and narative picture.

Gallery NOSCO

I love to go in this gallerie because i can found fantastic artists.
First i would like to share my feeling about "my blogge or the blogge in general because is the first time i have so much contact with my computer. I don't know if i am I a bit shy to chare my feeling or be see all the time. So I decide to try to let myself go and share as muchas I can.

mardi 3 novembre 2009

that one of the first exercise we have to do with Josephine Spencer.
how to use the pencil and how to create some texture.

jeudi 8 octobre 2009


I work in bar enviroment where I meet many interesting and fascinating characters. I found taking potrait photography within this context give me the opportunity to access a reservoir of imaginery. As a result I am now able to recyle and interpret these imagines in my Graphic Design work.