On a Friday evening after finishing work for the week, a friend of a friend decided to go for a drink
before heading off home. The man jumped on the tube and crossed London from the City to the West
End, and entered a bar in Soho. Not long after arriving at the bar, a beautiful girl started chatting to
him. They seemed to have hit it off and spent the whole evening drinking and chatting with each other.
At the end of the evening the girl suggested that they go back to her hotel room where she was staying.
The man couldn’t believe his luck and promptly agreed.
After a short taxi ride they arrived at the hotel, and went straight up to the girls room. The girl poured a
glass of wine for them both, and they both started to undress. Suddenly the man felt very drowsy and
blacked out.
The man awoke the next day in the bathtub of the hotel room, submerged in ice. He couldn’t move
and hurt all over. On the wall was a note, which read ‘If you want to live, dial 999 immediately’. A
phone had been placed on a stool next to the bathtub, within his reach. He dialled 999 as instructed
and was put through to a paramedic. He was asked if a tube had been inserted in his back, after feeling
for it the man replied “Yes”. The paramedic told the man to stay calm and perfectly still and that an
ambulance was on its way.
The Paramedic knew straight away what had taken place, as it was not the first time it had happened.
Sure enough, one of the man’s kidneys had been removed by a highly professional gang that specialised
in the smuggling of human organs. The girl had lured him to the hotel room where she had
drugged him; the rest of the gang had been lying in wait.
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